Fixed Asset

The Fixed Asset module in Ecuenta accounting software is a crucial component designed to effectively manage an organization's fixed assets throughout its lifecycle. Allows users to register new fixed assets into the system, capturing essential details such as asset name, description, category, group, cost, and depreciation method.

New Asset

To create a new asset, you must first establish an asset category, asset type, asset group, and insurance company. Only then can you proceed with creating the new asset.

The new asset creation form allows you to select the asset category, asset mode, reference field, status (active, cancelled, or closed), asset group, and insurance company. These fields are mandatory for creating a new asset.

Asset Type

When creating a new asset type, providing the label, asset code, depreciation asset account, depreciation income account, and depreciation expense account is sufficient for the creation process.

Asset Category

To create a new asset category, you need to input the label name, depreciation percentage, and type (increment or decrement). Once these fields are entered, you can create a new asset category.

Asset Group

Creating an asset group is straightforward: simply provide a group name and group code, and then proceed to create the new group asset.

Asset Insurance

The insurance company also plays a significant role in the creation of new assets.

To add a new insurance company, you'll need to provide the company name, address, contact details, asset type code, and status (active or inactive). These fields are mandatory.

Asset Area

In this asset area, you can review all created assets, view asset lists categorized by years, and access comprehensive asset reports.

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